AUTORICA: Aleksandra Misztalska
Kolegica Aleksandra Misztalska iz Poljske, u sklopu Erasmus+ programa, studirala je tijekom ljetnog semestra prošle akademske godine u Puli, na Fakultetu za interdisciplinarne, talijanske i kulturološke studije.
U sklopu studentske razmjene slušala je i putopisne kolegije nositeljice doc. dr. sc. Nataše Urošević te tako i započela s pisanjem radova objavljenih na našem blogu. Sada iz Poljske gdje studira nastavlja suradnju sa zanimljivim prilozima. Ovaj tjedan donosimo vam njezino razmišljanje o vrlo aktualnoj i zanimljivoj temi s kojom se svakim danom sve više susrećemo.
We live in a crazy, unexpredictable times. We experience the restrictions changing every few weeks, we do not plan trips in advance anymore, actually we cannot plan anything. People are struggling on a variety of levels, but the most serious aspect is the area of mental problems and the condition of psychiatry in general. There is online therapy but some people seem to be unwilling to try out this solution.
The times have changed drastically and there is a problem with hospitals and treatment in general, there is not enough room in hospitals, more people get coronavirus. Our mental health seems to be getting worse and worse everyday. Less and less money go to psychiatry and because of it, we have also a global pandemic of depression.
Nevertheless, we have to function and get by the day. We encounter many unpleasant situation when people are so mean to each other. But it is not that hard to remember that really, everyone struggles. That it is okay not to be okay and sometimes it is better to just avoid saying someting than hurting people. We have to look after each other, be kind, we never know how does the person feel and what struggles does he/she suffer from. We have only one life, we wake up and start a new day, every single day, and its beauty, uniqueness, the fact that we can wake up every day and live, can be easily destroyed by someone immature enough to be hateful, rude.
How easier would it be if only people could focus on the good things that happen to them. If only people could appreciate what they have, even if it is not a lot. We cannot be always happy, and we aren’t. That is normal, understandable. And there is plenty of people who have a sad day or struggling with a lot at the moment, maybe even suffer from a serious condition. We are not alone, we have each other. And that is why we have to force ourselves to do not say what comes to our mind first, but respect others and the fact that all of us can have problems.
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